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October 12, 2002

Help us find Ralph's killer

From: Coventry News, UK
Oct 12 2002

Scores of motorists were questioned last night in the hope of a breakthrough in the hunt for the hit-and-run killer of a city dad.

Police also delivered questionnaires to hundreds of households in a bid to weed out any scraps of information in the painstaking investigation.

Road blocks halted traffic in both directions yards away from flowers that marked the spot where 55-year-old Ralph Potts was killed in Eld Road at 4.45pm last Friday.

Mr Potts dashed into the path of a motorcyclist in an attempt to stop his deaf five-year-old daughter, Chloe, running out into the road.

The father of three was taken to Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital, but died from his injuries less than an hour later.

Since his death, and despite appeals from the police and members of Mr Potts’ family, the motorcyclist has not come forward or been traced.

Last night’s operation was the latest stage in a meticulous investigation.

Footage from security cameras in nearby streets, taken on the day of the accident, has also been checked.

As uniformed officers made door-to-door enquiries last night residents of Eld Road looked on, still shocked by the tragic events of last Friday.

PC Malcolm Mills, at the scene of the road block, said he was hoping the vehicle checks would produce new information.

He said: “We are out here on the seven day anniversary and at the time of the accident and we are hopeful that someone will remember something.

“Generally this type of operation is quite effective.

“It is real textbook stuff as there is a really good chance that someone who was in the area at this time last week will be here again.

“Everyone who has been stopped so far tonight has been really understanding - especially the local people who appreciate why we are doing this.”

Police were today collating all the information they collected last night in the hope of finding a new lead, and PC Mills urged homeowners to return the freepost questionnaires.

He said: “Even if they can only give us a negative response we want to hear from everybody.”

The driver of the motorcycle and anyone who witnessed the accident is asked to call police officers at Stoney Stanton Road Police Station on 024 7653 9020 or 0845 113 5000.

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