November 1, 2002
Macomb High School to present 'The Miracle Worker'
From: Macomb Eagle, IL
Nov. 1, 2002
The poignant, true story of light and knowledge coming into the mind of a blind, deaf child will be brought to life when Macomb Senior High School presents "The Miracle Worker" at MHS Fellheimer Auditorium, Nov. 8, 9 and 10.
Helen Keller was born a normal child to Captain and Kate Adams Keller in Tuscumbia, Ala., in 1880, but at the age of 19 months was struck with an "acute congestion of the stomach and brain," later thought to have been scarlet fever. In her silent world, Helen became a child filled with rage and confusion, unable to effectively communicate with her family and her world. All that changed in March of 1887, when Annie Mansfield Sullivan, of Boston's Perkin Institute for the Blind, came to live with the Kellers. Sullivan attempted to manage Helen in a manner no one had else tried: Sullivan treated Helen as though she could see and insisted on obedient behavior from the 7-year-old. In one memorable scene in the play, Helen and Annie spend the better portion of a morning at the breakfast table, with Sullivan first attempting to get Helen to eat from her own plate, then getting Helen to eat from her own plate with a spoon.
"The Miracle Worker" is the beautifully-written account of Helen Keller's climb out of the darkness. The cast includes Krista Pullins as Helen Keller, Margaret Poncin as Annie Sullivan, Sarahjayne Ashenhurst as Kate Keller, Patrick Murphy as Captain Keller, Andy Sheagren as James Keller, Amanda Wallen as Aunt Ev, Feana Kotter as Viney, Brian Rogers as the Doctor, Eric Castillo as Mr. Anagnos, Amanda Veale as Posey and Lisa Jacobs as Martha. Stage manager for the production is Michelle Myers. Cathy Sheagren is directing the production.
The play will be shown at Macomb High School's Fellheimer Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 8 and 9, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 10. Ticket prices are $5 for adults and $3 for MHS students and seniors.
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