January 10, 2003
Baxter high school students to attend Portland High
From: WMTW, ME - 10 Jan 2003
FALMOUTH (AP) -- High school students at the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf are expected to attend Portland High School this fall because Baxter's program does not meet state standards.
Baxter will continue to provide schooling from kindergarten through the eighth grade for about 30 students.
Education officials have described Baxter's elementary and junior high programs as very strong.
The 10 to 12 Baxter students who will attend Portland High will continue to keep ties with the school in Falmouth. They will continue to live in the dorm on Mackworth Island and will receive diplomas from Baxter, not Portland High.
Superintendent Larry Taub says the primary reason Baxter's high school program didn't meet state standards was that it had too few students to offer the kind of education demanded by Maine's new standards, called Learning Results.
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