January 1, 2003
From: Modesto Bee, CA - 01 Jan 2003
Classes in works
The Society for Handicapped Children and Adults of Stanislaus County has organized eight-week sign language classes starting Jan. 13.
Organizers said they will present beginning and intermediate classes in the mornings and evenings.
And, by popular demand, the society is planning a new class designed for parents and caregivers of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Adults will learn fun and creative ways to teach sign language to children, organizers said.
The society's sign language classes are open to anyone interested in learning how to communicate with people who are deaf or hard of hearing; there are some restrictions on children's participation. Examples of people who take the classes: people who are deaf and hard of hearing, teachers, social workers, teen-agers, church workers and family members.
All classes are at the society's office, 2047 Tully Road, Modesto. Registration is required by Monday. The cost is $29 per person or $55 for families. To register, or for more information, call Caroline Koontz, program coordinator, 524-3536, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday.
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