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February 27, 2003

Creating Web Pages with HTML workshop April 7-11, 2003

From: NTID - 27 Feb 2003

Join other deaf and hard-of-hearing adults for this hands-on computer training workshop,

Creating Web Pages with HTML
Donna Lange - Workshop Leader
April 7-11, 2003, at NTID/RIT, in Rochester, N.Y.

For workshop details go to:

Workshop leader and all instructors communicate directly in sign language. Any deaf or hard-of-hearing adult now working, or preparing to work, can register. This workshop is a great opportunity to learn with other deaf and hard-of-hearing professionals.

NEW!! Limited partial scholarships are available. Apply today!
Scholarships awarded to qualified applicants. For details go to:

Send e-mail today:

Deaf Initiative in Information Technology
NTID Applied Computer Technology Department
96 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester NY 14623-5604
585-475-2225 (voice or TTY)
585-475-7101 (fax)