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February 8, 2003

Deaf & Substance Abuse Book

From: Midas Management - 08 Feb 2003

Gregory, VP of Midas Management Company, publisher of this book.

Subject: Deaf & Substance Abuse Book

I read in "The Community Ear" , January 1999 issue, regarding a book
"Counseling the Deaf Substance Abuser" written by an experienced Deaf
author (Dr. Frank Lala) in this field. The book was reviewed for
accuracy by Dr. Harlan Lane and Dr. Betty G. Miller. This periodical's
book review about this book was interesting. This should be an useful
book for anyone who have serious problems with addictions. I have
purchased this book.

Let me quote some of the endorsements for this book;
"Substance abuse is a wretched disease and knowing 35% of those who are
hearing impaired are substance abusers, we can no longer turn our backs
on this population. Dr. Lala's book, needed and long overdue in our
fields , offers vital groundbreaking material. In its thoroughness it is
empowering to our professional fields of mental health , addiction, and
disabilities" - Claudia Black, Ph.D., Author , It Will Never Happen ro
Me & Changing Course
"This book should be read, re-read and shared and then kept between a
Bible (Recovery is best) and the A.A., N.A., or C.A. books." By Pastor
Patrick Harkins
" Counseling the Deaf ubstance Abuser" is a remarkable book. It touches
on every aspect of the substance abuser and is written extremely well.
It is an easy read and Frank James John Lala, Jr., Ph.D., author of this
outstanding publication , needs to be commended for his woek. Substance
abuse in the deaf and hard of hearing communities are massive. The
numbers would astound anyone. I am happy to see that someone has come
forward , taken a stand and is addressing these issues. EVERYONE in the
deaf and hard of hearing communities should read this book. ......Editor
Shirley Byles of "The Community
Book's 416 pages, 1993, 1995 & Revised 1998.
*Relevant Characteristics of the population,* Deafness and Alcohol
Abuse,* Substance Abuse and Deaf People,* Preventive and Treatment
Efforts,* Health and Drug Education Series,* The Genocide of Deaf
Culture,* Deaf Recovery Programs,* Resources,* Poems,* Autobiography,*
Epilogue,* The Twelve Steps, * Two Views of Deafness,* Is There Room in
the DSM for consideration of Deaf People?,* Attitudes Toward Deafness,
etc, etc!

The book's available for U.S. $28.95 plus $5.00 shipping & handling
payable to:............ Midas Management Company, c/o G. Kassel, P.O. Box 610383, San Jose, CA 95161

In U.S. funds only! If shipping outside of
USA, please add $2.00 more. $33.95 for U.S. or $35.95 for outside of.
I feel I should take the incentive to share with this group regarding
the serious problems with substance abuse in deaf and hard of hearing
communities, especially informing those outside of USA about the
avalability of this book.
...........Sincerely, Robert Haven.