February 14, 2003
Forwarded Response from Uzbekistan Deaf Sports Federation
From: CISS - 14 Feb 2003
Dear Editor/Webmaster of Deaftoday.com-
I am forwarding the e-mail I received from Uzbekistan Deaf Sports Federation today in response to the letter that was sent out by someone using uzbekistan97@aol.com. It appeared in your website (http://www.deaftoday.com/archives/001557.html). Read below.
Mr. Karimov has confirmed that he did not write that letter nor anyone else whose names were listed in that letter. It was forged.
I respectfully request that you make an entry of this in your website for clarification.
Thank you very much-
Donalda Ammons
Secretary General of CISS
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 11:48:45 +0500
From: Olimpic Tour
Reply-To: Olimpic Tour
To: ammons@ciss.org
Subject: Replay from Mukim & Dilbar Karimov's
Dear Ms. Ammons,
Thank you for e-mail. We confirm that the e-mail Uzbekistan97@aol.com is not valid and we also confirm that Mr. Karimov did not write this letter.
All questions regarding this matter we discuss during our meeting
at the congress.
Wee inform you that POWER OF ATTORNEY sent before is also not of
23.11.2002 and now we send another POWER OF ATTORNEY for CISS
Congress and Workshop that we consider as only right and
Please see the attachment.
Best regards,
Karimov M.
President of UDA
Dilbar Karimova
General Secretary