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February 18, 2003

Halle's colour concert for deaf students

From: Manchester Evening News, UK - 18 Feb 2003

MUSICIANS from the Halle Orchestra played a unique concert - everyone in the audience was deaf.

Instead of hearing the music, students at the Royal Schools for the Deaf can see the sounds come to life in an explosion of colour on a special big screen and feel the vibrations from the music through a special sprung floor.

All the children at the school in Cheadle , Stockport are deaf or have severe hearing problems and also suffer from acute learning difficulties such as autism or Downs Syndrome.

The students also take part in the concert by making a sound into a microphone which is linked to a computer. The sound then appears as a different shape and colour on the big screen depending on the volume and pitch.

School musician in residence Ros Hawley said: "Different graphic images appear on the screen and the students can make shapes through their voices.

"The musicians perform along side the students and respond to what they are doing with their voices. The musicians follow what the students do and interpret what they are doing.

"If the student makes a loud sound, the musicians might make a loud sound as well. They are using a lot of different instruments and the students can feel the vibrations and can see that something is happening on the screen. The louder they go the stronger the image is.

"Also, because they cannot hear, a lot of students are very sensitive to feeling sound through their bodies.

"For the students it gives them a chance to express themselves and to have control over what's happening by composing their own music.

"For students who find communication very difficult, it's an immediate way for them to express what they want to happen and through that they gain confidence when they see that they have done something that other people are enjoying.

"A lot of our children do not even speak usually, so for them to use a microphone and realise that it's their sound which is making something happen is quite special."

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