February 3, 2003
Job Market Monday: Success stories
From: WIS, SC - 03 Feb 2003
(Cayce) Feb. 3, 2003 - WIS News 10 met Kimber Crocker last year just as she started training at Communication Services for the deaf. She was a little nervous about taking on a brand new job, "It's gonna be a lot, we're gonna have to take in a lot, study a lot, but it's gonna be worth it."
She's now been working as a communication assistant for five months, "It's not as difficult as I originally thought."
Kimber basically acts as a go between. She types out conversations for the deaf and hearing impaired, then reads the response to a hearing person on the other end, relaying messages back and forth. She says the toughest part is not getting personally involved with her clients, "You want to reach out and give 'em a shoulder or arm and or what have you. But you know, we can't."
Sonda Wright had been out of work for a month and a half when she heard about CSD on Job Market Monday, "What I was looking for was parttime clerical and generally they're hard to find."
Sonda says if you're out of work, CSD might be the right connection, "It's one of those jobs that's nice, where you can come in, do your job and go home, and not have 10 things on your desk when you return."
Kimber says the company works to keep employees, "Being able to work whatever hours, whatever days. They work really with our schedules well."
CSD, a call center in Cayce, is hiring full-time and part-time Communication Assistants to provide telecommunication services to the deaf and hard of hearing. You must type 50 wpm and have good verbal communication skills. Day and night shifts available. A great benefits package is offered. Starting pay is $7.75 with increases after training. The next training class begins on February 10 for two weeks from 8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. Call (803) 936-6300 to schedule typing test. CSD Relay is located on 905 State Street, Parkland Plaza, Cayce, SC 29033
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