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February 8, 2003


From: PR Web, WA - 08 Feb 2003

Leapfrog Productions releases CCaptionPro for Macintosh OS X. This software application allows users to add closed captions to digital video and MPEG-2 data files. CCaptionPro also decodes closed captions and generates subtitles for DVD authoring systems.

San Rafael, CA-- February 4, 2003-- Leapfrog Productions announces the release of their next generation innovative closed-captioning software application, CCaptionPro for Mac OS X. CCaptionPro is a general purpose caption editing software program that adds closed and open captions to Digital Video, adds closed captions to DVD MPEG-2 video and generates subtitle files for DVD authoring packages such as DVD Studio Pro.

“We are excited about this product because it extends our existing closed captioning DV technology to include MPEG-2 for anyone editing video on a Mac running Mac OS X,” says Jeff Schriebman, the creator of CCaptionPro. “CCaptionPro directly inserts closed captions into MPEG-2 video assets so that anyone using DVD Studio Pro can add closed captions to their DVDs. Also, the same closed captioning data can easily be used to generate DVD subtitles. With CCaptionPro, inserting open captions into a previously closed captioned video is a simple drag and drop operation.”

“With technology that aids seeing, hearing and use of the keyboard and mouse, Mac OS X provides a great computer experience for everyone,” said Ron Okamoto, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations. “Leapfrog Productions’ CCaptionPro is bringing an invaluable tool to users with special needs by making the full capabilities of closed captioning available to creators of QuickTime content.”

CCaptionPro is sold as a stand-alone product and includes Leapfrog Productions' existing closed-captioning solution for generating closed captions for Avid and Media 100 video editing systems. A version of CCaptionPro that only permits adding captions to Digital Video, called CCaptionPro-DV, and is also available.

CCaptionPro for Mac OS X is available now from Leapfrog Productions and may also be purchased from selected professional video resellers throughout the United States. A list of CCaptionPro resellers is available from Leapfrog Productions’ web site at Free evaluation copies of the software are available for downloading from the web site. CCaptionPro has a suggested retail price of $895.00. CCaptionPro-DV is available for $495.00. Educational discounts are available.

Contact Information
Jeff Schriebman
Leapfrog Productions

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