February 28, 2003
Operation restores boy's speech , hearing
From: Daily Star, Lebanon - 28 Feb 2003
Born deaf and dumb, five-year-old Rayyan Msheimesh recovered his ability to hear and talk Thursday, following a cochlear implant by a specialized team of doctors at Hotel Dieu Hospital.
First lady Andree Lahoud, played a leading role in the event. She had followed up on the child?s situation after his parents raised the case with her during a visit to the Presidential Palace in Baabda. She also attended part of the operation.
The hospital?s administration and the concerned medical team thanked the first lady for being present and for giving attention to the boy?s case.
Lahoud?s actions were described as a source of strength for the surgeons and the child?s parents.
Ihsan, the boy?s father, expressed extreme joy at the prospect of soon being able to talk to his son, after communicating with him only through signs.
He thanked the first lady for the care she showed, describing her as ?the mother of all Lebanese.?
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