February 21, 2003
Ozarka to offer sign language class
From: Baxter Bulletin, AR - 21 hours ago
MELBOURNE -- The Continuing Education Department at Ozarka College is accepting registration for an introductory level course in American Sign Language which begins at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Sherry Mabry will teach the basic course based on her 20 years' experience as a sign language instructor. Objectives for the class include understanding the difference between a visual motor language and spoken language, understanding the sign language continuum and the difference between English and American Sign Language.
Students will learn the elements of simple sentence structure, develop a base vocabulary and proper execution of signs, fingerspell, begin to form receptive skills and become familiar with deaf culture. Topics to be covered include numbers, money, places, people, times, days, health and survival and many others.
Mabry has designed her course so that students who complete the 24-hour training may communicate comfortably on a basic conversational level using ASL. The non-credit course meets weekly on Tuesdays through April 29. Tuition is $99 and a textbook is required.
Enrollment is limited. To register, contact Karla Ashlock at (870) 368-2003.
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