February 24, 2003
From: Bristol Evening Post, UK - 24 Feb 2003
A Bristol school for deaf children has won a major award for raising the skills of pupils in the three R's. Elmfield School for Deaf Children has been awarded a Basic Skills Quality Mark from the Basic Skills Agency.
Agency director Alan Wells visited the school in Greystoke Avenue to present staff and children with the award.
The scheme was set up by the Government to recognise basic skills such as reading, writing and work with numbers.
The mark is awarded for three years to schools which meet 10 criteria, including providing training for staff.
Head teacher Ros Way said it had taken the school several years to achieve the award.
She added achievement of the award showed the school was focusing on raising the skills of its children in all areas.
Under the action plan, pupils are assessed regularly to see if they need extra help and parents are encouraged to help their children with reading, writing and number work.
Councillor Peter Hammond, deputy leader with responsibility for education and lifelong learning, said:
"This achievement by Elmfield School is an excellent example of what can be achieved given determination and hard work."
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