April 4, 2003
Deaf Events in Orange County - Community Based Organizations
From: OCDAC - Apr 4, 2003
You are encouraged to go to Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center's
community events.
They are listed at Http://www.deafadvocacy.com/events.htm
The main event takes place next week at Sports Rock Cafe, formerly
Bennigans, on April 9, 2003. We resurrecting a longstanding tradition
of Wednesday evening deaf socials that ended in the late 1980's. Sports
Rock Cafe is located at the Southernmost part of the Westminister Mall
parking lot. There's plenty of parking spaces available so come one come
We have our independent living skills class craft exibit at the
Earth Day Expo on April 26 & 27 in Huntington & Newport Beaches. Most
craft items exibited on our booth those days will be made from recycled
materials. There will be a lot of press coverage of this event. This
event, we'll show Orange County that we have positive environmentality
and teach others how to mix artistic creativity with positive
We have a blood drive at the area of The Block at Orange on May 9, 2003
with the Orange County Red Cross. The traditional 2nd friday social event
at the Block at orange is gradually being taken over by the Diamond Bar
Deaf Club with their great bingo events.
We have a number of other great deaf events in development including
free boat rides for our community members and supporters on Sunday
afternoons off Long Beach.
Our fundraising division is expanding to generate funds for needed
access and education services. We will soon be conducting daily
fundraising operations from our new fundraising headquarters soon to
be installed in Westminister, California. We are always in need of
volunteers to help us out. We have excellent benefits and volunteer
support programs for everyone who is interested in helping us out.
Richard Roehm
President, AccessFirst!