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April 3, 2003

Former paramedic sent to prison for fondling patient, 82

From: Kansas City Star, MO - Apr 3, 2003

The Kansas City Star

A former paramedic was sentenced today to almost three years in prison for fondling an 82-year-old woman while she was strapped in the back of an ambulance.

Johnson County District Judge James Franklin Davis told Michael D. Moore that what he did "defies the imagination."

"You were in a position of trust," Davis said before denying Moore's request for probation. "You completely betrayed that trust."

The victim, who is deaf, was brought into the courtroom today in a wheelchair. She did not address the court, but Assistant District Attorney Scott Toth said she was angry about what happened to her.

Moore, 42, pleaded no contest in January to a felony charge of aggravated sexual battery.

The victim testified during a preliminary hearing last July that Moore touched her breast and wouldn't stop when she told him no.

The woman was being transported by a private ambulance service that Moore worked for, according to testimony.

Toth told the judge that Moore preyed on the woman because he perceived she was weak.

But the woman proved to be a courageous victim who faced her attacker and testified about what he had done, Toth said.

"This is about as egregious and calculated as these cases get," Toth said.

Moore said today that he was sorry that the woman had to go through the ordeal and asked the judge to consider allowing him to continue working and supporting his family.

He said he had lost his paramedic's license since the incident.

His attorney, Carl Cornwell, asked the judge to consider placing Moore in the community corrections residential program, where he could continue working while receiving counseling. The judge also could impose 60 days of jail time as part of the sentence.

"I know we're asking a lot," Cornwell said.

But he said society would best be served by placing Moore in the community-based program.

Davis denied the request and sentenced Moore to the maximum sentence of 34 months.

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