April 4, 2003
Gallaudet Training Students for Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications
From: Gallaudet - Apr 4, 2003
For Immediate Release
April 4, 2003
Contact: Mike Kaika, Director of Media Relations
Phone: 202-651-5050
Email: mike.kaika@gallaudet.edu
Gallaudet Training Students for Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications
Washington, DC—Four Gallaudet undergraduate students have received Microsoft Office Specialist certification recently and several other students are at various stages of training and exam preparation.
MOS certifications are globally recognized standard for demonstrating desktop skills. Possessing such a certification in addition to a college degree will make any new job seeker stand out in today’s tight job market. In fact, it is reported that a growing number of universities require Microsoft certifications for students to graduate, because they recognize that Microsoft Office as the leading tool for today’s workforce, and businesses want assurance that new employees are skilled in these tools.
The MOS certification exam prep classes are offered jointly by the Microsoft IT Academy Program and the Professional Study and Training of the Graduate School. They are designed for anyone who wants to achieve desirable desktop skills. In addition, individuals who want their skills to be validated can take the required exams and be certified by Microsoft. The MOS certifications will enable individuals to get a desktop skill test waiver at employment agencies and secure job interviews before other applicants.
To meet the growing demand on campus, Gallaudet has changed its program design by offering flexible scheduling and customized training. The University’s MOS master instructor is able to train each individual at his or her own pace.
Gallaudet’s faculty member, Qi Wang is the primary force behind training students for MOS certification. An assistant professor of Computer Information Systems in the Department of Business, she is currently the Microsoft IT Academy Program Administrator and has several Microsoft IT Certifications including MOS Master Instructor certification.
As more and more students realize the value of having MOS certifications, it is anticipated that Ms. Wang will have eager students beating a path to her door when the next school year begins in the fall. For more information about the MOS certification programs Gallaudet offers, contact qi.wang@gallaudet.edu
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