April 16, 2003
New Educational Directors at Minnesota North Star Academy
From: Minnesota North Star Academy - Apr 16, 2003
Contact: Adrean Clark - mnnorthstaracademy@yahoo.com
Minnesota North Star Academy, the first and only day
high school in Minnesota to provide a bilingual and
bicultural education, has recently hired two
Educational Directors, Mandy Frederickson and Susan
Mandy Frederickson brings eight solid years of
teaching experience from Metro Deaf School (MDS) and
previously, the New Mexico School for the Deaf. At
MDS she was involved as Management Team Leader and as
the coordinator of graduation standards. Frederickson
has also had experience in working with deaf education
abroad as Board President of the Global Deaf
Susan Outlaw has had five years of teaching experience
in Florida. She is currently completing her Ph.D.
coursework at Gallaudet University, with an emphasis
in literacy and ASL/English instruction. Outlaw has
also taught as part of the Star School Project.
Both Educational Directors are fluent in American Sign
Language (ASL). Frederickson herself is Deaf, and
Outlaw grew up with Deaf grandparents.
The Minnesota North Star Academy will open in Fall
2003, providing an educational program for students
who communicate using ASL, primarily those who are
deaf, deafblind, and hard-of-hearing, with English
taught as a second language. Students are given equal
access to both languages, to prepare them for
post-secondary options such as liberal arts college
programs or technical/vocational training and for
becoming highly successful and valued citizens of
their community.