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April 18, 2003

"Organizations Opposed to Sutton"

From: JUSTICE FOR ALL - Apr 18, 2003

According to ADA Watch , as of January 6,
2003, 75 National/International Organizations and 299
Local, State and Regional Organizations from 48 States,
Territories and the District of Columbia have united in
opposition to the confirmation of Jeffrey Sutton to the
Sixth Court of Appeals.

For more information about the Sutton nomination and to add
your organization to the list, visit

The list follows of international, national, regional,
state, and local organizations follows.

Jonathan Young, PhD
JFA Editor, AAPD



* Ability Unleashed
* Access Now
* Accessible Living, Inc.
* ADA Watch
* The Alliance for Rehabilitation Counseling (NRCA/ARCA)
* The American Council of the Blind
* American Society for Deaf Children
* The Associated Blind, Inc.
* Association for Persons in Supported Employment
* The Association of Programs in Rural Independent Living
* Autism National Committee
* Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
* CE Disabled Services
* The Center for Medicare Advocacy Corporation
* Chemical Sensitivity Disorders Association
* Citizens For Legitimate Government
* The Council for Disability Rights
* Consumer Action Network (CAN) for the Deaf and Hard of
* Deaf Queer Resource Center
* Disability Issues Caucus of the Young Democrats of
* Disability Rights Coalition for Housing (DRACH)
* Disability Rights Center
* Disabled Action Committee
* The Equalizers
* Families4Change
* Family Voices
* Feminist Majority
* Gazette International Networking Institute
* Global Organization of Feminists with Disabilities (GO
* Heumann and Associates
* Housing Works, Inc.
* iCan! Inc.
* Institute for Disability Access, Inc.
* Irene M. Ward and Associates
* Justice for All
* The Legal Aid Society - Employment Law Center
* Myositis Support Group
* National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems
* National Association on Alcohol, Drugs & Disability
* The National Association of the Deaf
* National Center for Environmental Health Strategies
* The National Coalition on Self-Determination
* The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL)
* The National Disabled Student Union
* The National Lawyers Guild
* The National Organization for Women
* National Parent Network on Disabilities
* National Rehabilitation Association
* The National Spinal Cord Injury Association
* National Women's Political Caucus
* National Senior Citizens Law Center
* Not Dead Yet
* The Nth Degree
* Older Women's League (OWL)
* Pathcommand
* People Who
* The Polio Society
* Protect All Children's Environment
* Progressive Majority
* Rammler and Wood, Consultants, LLC
* Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
* Self Help for Hard of Hearing People
* Support Coalition International
* USA Deaf Wrestling Association
* USA Deaf Soccer Association
* Welfare Law Center
* World Association of Persons with disAbilities [WAPD]
* World Institute on Disability
* World Wide Disabilities On-Line


* Birmingham Independent Living Center
* Center for Independent Living

* Access Alaska, Inc.
* Southeast Alaska Independent Living, Inc.
* Alaska State Independent Living Council

* New Horizons Independent Living Center

* Arkansas Independent Living Council
* Arkansas People First
* Delta Resource Center for Independent Living
* Spa Area Independent Living Services

* Access Center of San Diego
* Berkeley City Council
* California Democratic Party State Disability Caucus
* California Democrats with Disabilities Club
* California Disability Alliance
* Californians for Disability Rights
* California Foundation for Independent Living Centers
* Center for Independence of the Disabled
* Central Coast Center for Independent Living
* Dayle McIntosh Center
* Disability Resources Agency for Independent Living
* Disability Rights Enforcement, Education, Services
* Disabled Students Union of UC Berkeley
* Helping You Help Others
* The Heart of San Francisco
* Independent Living Services of Northern California, Inc.
* Northern California ADAPT
* Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center
* PLACER Independent Resources Services, Inc.
* Resource Center for Independent Living
* Southern California Rehabilitation Services
* Westside Center of Independent Living

* Center for Independence
* Center for People with Disabilities
* Colorado Democrats with disAbilities
* Colorado Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
* Colorado Springs Independence Center
* Connections for Independent Living
* WAPD of Colorado

* Americans with Disabilities Act Coalition of Connecticut,
* Arc/CT
* Center for Disability Rights
* Connecticut Association of Centers for Independent Living
* Connecticut Olmstead Coalition
* Office for Persons with Disabilities, City of Bridgeport

* Delaware ADAPT
* Independent Resources, Inc.
* State Council for Persons with Disabilities

* Capital Area ADAPT - Greater Washington DC
* The Spinal Cord Injury Network of the Metropolitan
Washington Area
* University Legal Services

* Access Now
* Caring and Sharing Center for Independent Living, Inc.
* Center for Independent Living of Central Florida
* Center for Independent Living of Florida Keys
* Center for Independent Living of South Florida
* Florida Coalition for Disability Rights
* Florida Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center
* Hackett Solutions
* Independent Living Resources of NE Florida
* Just Access
* Quality Cadre, Inc.
* Self Reliance, Inc.
* WAPD of Florida

* Abilities-In-Action
* BAIN Center for Independent Living
* Gregory Center
* Statewide Independent Living Council of GA, Inc.
* The Advocacy Project for Persons with Disabilities

* Disability Rights Hawaii
* Hawaii Centers for Independent Living
* Single Mothers of Disabled Coalition

* Case Management Association of Idaho
* Disability Action Center - Northwest, Inc.
* Idaho Statewide Independent Living Council
* LIFE, Inc
* Living Independence Network Corporation
* National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Idaho Division
* Nez Perce Vocational Rehabilitation Services

* Access Living
* Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities in Illinois
* Family T.I.E.S. Network
* Gaining Access to Independent Living
* Galena Parent Advocates
* Horizon Hospice Chicago
* Illinois Network of Independent Living Centers
* Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living
* Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living
* Lake County Center for Independent Living
* Life Center for Independent Living
* LINK, Inc.
* National Alliance of the Mentally Ill
* National Women's Political Caucus of Greater Chicago
* Northwestern Illinois Center for Independent Living
* PACE, Inc.
* Progress CIL
* Riverbend Down Syndrome Parent Support Group
* Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois
* West Central Illinois Center for Independent Living
* Will Grundy Center for Independent Living

* Accessibility 2000
* ATTIC, Inc.
* Everybody Counts Center for Independent Living
* Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living

* Iowa Family Support Initiatives
* Iowa Statewide Independent Living Council
* Three Rivers Center for Independent Living

* Coalition For Independence, Inc.
* Independence, Inc.
* Independent Living Resource Center
* Kansas ADAPT
* Kansas Associations of Centers for Independent Living
* Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns
* Kansas Disability Rights Action Coalition for Housing
* Kansas TASH
* LINK, Inc.
* Prairie Independent Living Resource Center
* Southeast Kansas Independent Living and Resource Center
* Statewide Independent Living Council of Kansas
* Topeka Independent Living Resource Center (TILRC)

* ADA Action Network of Kentucky
* ADA Action Network Advisory Council of Kentucky
* BEST Center for Independent Living
* Center for Accessible Living
* Charles McDowell Center
* Derby City Area Chapter of the National Spinal Cord
Injury Association
* Enabling Technologies of Kentuckians
* KATS Network
* Kentucky Statewide Independent Living Council

* Children's Advocacy Network for Conscientious Education
* Louisiana Citizens for Action Now
* Southwest Louisiana Independence Center
* WAPD of Louisiana

* Access Systems
* Coalition for Choice and Compassion in Mental Health
* The Freedom Center
* Independence Now
* Making Choices for Independent Living
* Maryland Association of Psychiatric Support Services
* Maryland Disability Forum
* Maryland Disability Law Center
* Maryland Statewide Independent Living Council
* On Our Own of Maryland
* Public Justice Center
* Spinal Cord Injury Network

* Boston Center for Independent Living
* Center for Public Representation
* Disability Law Center
* The Greater Boston Chapter of the National Spinal Cord
Injury Association
* Independent Living Center of the North Shore and Cape
Ann, Inc.
* Massachusetts Association for the Chemically Injured
* Massachusetts Voters with Disabilities
* Massachusetts Democrats with Disabilities
* Metrowest Center for Independent Living
* Stavros Center for Independent Living

* The Arc of Michigan
* Michigan Association of Centers for Independent Living
* Superior Alliance for Independent Living

* Freedom Resource Center for Independent Living
* Metropolitan Center for Independent Living
* Minnesota Association of Centers for Independent Living
* Restart Inc.

* Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities

* The Ark of Friends of Greater Kansas City
* Living Independently for Everybody
* Missouri Council of the Blind
* Missouri Statewide Independent Living Council
* NAMI of Columbia Missouri
* Paraquad
* SADI Missouri
* Southwestern Independent Living Center, Inc.
* The Whole Person, Inc.
* Warrensburg Independent Living Services

* ADAPT Montana
* Alliance for Disability and Students of the University of
* Coalition of Montanans Concerned with Disabilities
* North Central Independent Living Services, Inc.

* League of Human Dignity

* Disabled Advocates Working for Northwest (DAWN)
* Heightened Independence and Progress
* Progressive Center for Independent Living
* Total Living Center

* Granite State Independent Living Foundation
* LifeArt Community Resource Center

* The Coalition for Living Independently in the Community
* Independent Living Resource Center
* New Mexico Statewide Independent Living Council
* New Vistas Independent Living Center
* San Juan Center for Independence
* StarReach Enterprises

* 504 Democratic Club of New York City
* Access to Independence of Cortland County, Inc.
* Americans Demanding Access Committee of New York
* Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled, Inc.
* Bronx Independent Living Services
* Disabled in Action of Metropolitan New York
* FUTURE Views, Inc.
* Greystone Programs, Inc.
* Hands Across Long Island, Inc.
* Housing Works, Inc.
* Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley
* Mental Patients Liberation Alliance
* New York City AIDS Housing Center
* New York State Institute on Disability, Inc.
* New York State Independent Living Council
* Northern Regional Center for Independent Living, Inc.
* Queens Independent Living Center
* Regional Center for Independent Living
* Resource Center for Accessible Living, Inc.
* Resource Center for Independent Living
* The Self-Advocates of Central New York
* Unique Peerspectives Peer Support Center
* Westchester Independent Living Center
* Westchester Disabled on the Move, Inc.
* Workers Against Mismanagement

* Concerned Citizens with Disabilities Coalition
* North Carolina Deaf-Blind Associates
* North Carolina Statewide Independent Living Council
* Pathways For The Future
* Programs for Accessible Living
* Western Alliance Center for Independent Living

* Dakota Center for Independent Living

* Ability Center of Defiance
* The Ability Center of Greater Toledo
* Access Center for Independent Living
* AXIS Center for Public Awareness of People with
* Center for Independent Living Options, Inc.
* The Disability Coalition Movement of Cleveland
* The Independent Living Center Of North Central Ohio, Inc.
* Irene M. Ward & Associates, Ohio
* Lorain County Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities,
* MOBILE Independent Living Center
* Ohio Chapter of WAPD
* Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with
* The Ohio Women with Disabilities Network
* Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council
* People First of Ohio
* Resource Linkage Association

* Progressive Independence
* WAPD of Oklahoma

* Mental Health Association of Oregon
* Oregon Disabilities Commission
* Oregon Statewide Independent Living Council

* Abilities in Motion
* Center for Independent Living Opportunities
* Lawrence County Committee on Disability
* Liberty Resources Inc.
* Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living
* Mental Health Association of Pennsylvania
* Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania
* Northeastern Pennsylvania Center for Independent Living
* Pennsylvania Statewide Independent Living Council
* Pennsylvania Council on Independent Living
* Tri-County Patriots for Independent Living
* Visions for Equality, Inc.
* Voices for Independence

* Coastal Disability Access
* South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association

* The Arc of Tennessee
* Tennessee Disability Coalition

* ABLE Center for Independent Living
* ARCIL, Inc.
* Center on Independent Living
* Coalition of Texan with Disabilities
* Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living
* Houston Center for Independent Living
* Panhandle Independent Living Center
* REACH Resource Centers on Independent Living
* Setlife Center for Independent Living
* Texas Advocates Supporting Kids with Disabilities
* Texas Mental Health Consumers
* VOLAR Center for Independent Living
* WAPD of Texas

* The Association for Independent Living of Utah
* Central Utah Center for Independent Living
* OPTIONS for Independence
* Utah Statewide Independent Living Council

* Green Mountain Self-Advocates
* Vermont Center for Independent Living
* Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights

* The Blue Ridge Independent Living Center
* The Endependence Center of Northern Virginia
* Hope and Clay Associates
* Northern Virginia Mental Health Consumers Association

* Northwest Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America
* The Washington Coalition of Citizens with disAbilities

* Mountain State Centers for Independent Living
* Northern West Virginia Center for Independent Living
* West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council
* West Virginia State Rehabilitation Council

* Access to Independence
* Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin, Inc.
* Great Rivers Independent Living Center
* IndependenceFirst
* Midstate Independent Living Consultants
* North Country Independent Living
* Options for Independent Living
* Southeast Wisconsin ADAPT
* Wisconsin Coalition of Independent Living Centers
* Wisconsin Statewide Independent Living Council

* WAPD of New England

* Movemento para el Alcance de Vida Independiente Puerto
* Puerto Rico SILC

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