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April 21, 2003

Two survivors of school fire die in Dagestani hospital

From: Interfax, Russia  - Apr 21, 2003

MAKHACHKALA. April 21 (Interfax-South) - Two children who survived a fire in a school for the deaf in Makhachkala on the night of April 9 died Sunday night in the burns ward of the Dagestani central children's hospital, Deputy Health Minister of Dagestan Dzhamaludin Gasayev told Interfax.

 He said the children had been brought to hospital in the state of clinical death. "The doctors saved them. All this time, they struggled for the lives of the children and provided comprehensive treatment and intensive therapy. All this time, the children were put on artificial breathing systems," he said.

 The children died of severe burns of the respiratory tract, carbon monoxide poisoning and intoxication that developed as a result of the burns.

 This brings the number of the school fire victims to 30.

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