April 8, 2003
Update: Pinchas vs.Jordan, Ammons, Lovett - Cancellation of CISS Championship
From: DEAFSPORTLAWSUIT - Apr 8, 2003
There is another discouraging news which the unconstitutionally-elected CISS officials and defendants in my still-pending lawsuit case - John Lovett and Donalda Ammons - are choosing to conceal publicly.
An official word has just been received that Bulgaria has decided to cancel the organization of the CISS-promoted Deaf World Championship in Orienteering this year!
It is unclear as to why and for what reason the Bulgarians decided to cancel the important international sporting event, which was sanctioned by the just-ended 38th CISS Congress in Sundsvall, Sweden.
Moreover, the widely-read CISS website has to date been mysteriously silent about this unpleasant event cancellation by making no such an announcement to the world at all.
Since 1995, the organization of the CISS under the continued and highly-questionable management of its inept leaders Lovett and Ammons has, by citing different excuses and reasons, produced one and same result related to the organization of the world championship in various sports:
1995 - bowling ( the nation of USA was supposed to be a host ) - cancelled
1998 - alpine skiing, Slovenia - cancelled
1998 - handball, Iceland - cancelled
1998 - athletics, Portugal - cancelled
1999 - basketball, Sweden - cancelled
2000 - football, Spain - cancelled
2000 - cycling, Spain - cancelled
2001 - cross country running, Algeria - cancelled
2002 - indoor football, Russia - cancelled
2003 - orienteering, Israel - cancelled
2003 - orienteering, Bulgaria - cancelled.
On the other hand, to my best memory and belief, between 1995 and to this day, Lovett's and Ammons' anarchially-administered CISS organization was able to organize just four world championship-type events in the following sports:
cycling ( the event took place in Dunkirk, France, in 1995 )
swimming and water polo ( Brugge, Belgium, 1995)
indoor football ( Maastrich, the Netherlands, 1996 ) and
basketball ( Athens, Greece, 2002 ).
Thus, as you now see, that, in the span of less than eight ( 8 ) years, of the above-mentioned fifteen ( 15 ) world championship events publicized by the CISS and its reputed law system abusers - Lovett and Ammons, eleven ( 11 ) - were cancelled!
Furthermore, during my last appearance as a CISS Congress delegate in Rome, Italy, 2001, I was the one who, before a large foreign CISS Congress delegates' audience, openly and boldly criticized the Lovett-Ammons-designed world championship event project proposal as "a fantasying and unrealistic one!"
( see www.deafsportlawsuit.com/update20.html and
www.deafsportlawsuit.com/update21.html ).
For comparison, the nine-member Board of the European Deaf Sport Organization ( EDSO ) have, by working as one united team and unlike the CISS autocrats and anarchists Lovett and Ammons, proved to be the able,
efficient and responsible sports leaders.
Last year, for instance, the EDSO Board professionally, wisely, dedicatedly and responsibly handled the sudden cancellation of its inaugural indoor football championship, which was supposed to be staged in Haifa, Israel. Because of the unstable security situation in their country, the Israelis had to cancel the event. As a result, the EDSO Board made a last-minute effort to locate the replacement. Sofia, Bulgaria, was, instead, chosen as the venue of the first EDSO indoor football championship, which was, by the way, successfully organized in the month of November, 2002.
Another instance of the EDSO's ability and competence to organize the events - even at the last minute - has been that just three months ago the city of Sheffield, Great Britain, abruptly withdrew its organization of this year's European championship in football. Once again, the EDSO Board made its extra and swift effort to locate the city/country which would have replaced Sheffield as the host. As anticipated, the EDSO Board again prevailed by getting a small town - Torremolinos ( not far from the city of Malaga, Spain ), as the last-minute host of the football championship to be arranged this coming June 15-28.
No question, Lovett and Ammons ( of course, by swallowing their own personal and professional pride and ego! ) need, let me repeat, to openly reach out to our deaf brethren - the top EDSO officials - and receive their tutoring lessons in the area of international sports management and administration!
Meanwhile, a major news is expected to be announced on this website any time soon.
Stay tuned!
Sportingly Yours,
Rafael Pinkhasov Pinchas