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July 1, 2003

My 1st Hearing Aid to show on community TV

From: Expression Media - Jul 1, 2003

A News Release from Expression Media
Release Date: July 1, 2003
For Immediate Release

Monica Parks
Expression Media

Voice: 281-872-8734
FAX: 281-872-8734

My 1st Hearing Aid

My 1st Hearing Aid, the first program of Expression Media's second season, will air Monday, July 14th, 2003 at 7:30pm on We The People TV, Time Warner 17, TVMax 17, and Kingwood 98. The program opens with an interview with audiologist Max McCarthy of Hearing Systems discussing the variety of hearing aids available on the market today. We later join Matilda Antosh, age 82 with macular degeneration, as she is fitted with her first hearing aid. This program was made possible by a grant from Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Hearing loss occurs in about 1 in every 10 people, but as we age this number increases to 1 in 3 at age 60. By age 70 the number climbs to 2 in 3 people, with many suffering from severe to profound hearing loss. The number of those affected by hearing loss is even greater when family and friends of those with the loss are considered. For most buying their first hearing aid is their first foray into the world of hearing loss, and it can be an imposing and confusing place.

Expression Media, founded March 2002, is a media arts group in Houston embodying sound in silence, light in dark, expression through media. "Our mission is expression through media, and we encourage media arts and creation of non-traditional video and film," voiced Monica Parks, co-founded and President of the group. Expression Media topics are sweeping, covering such issues as deaf and hard of hearing, women's viewpoints, and media for and by children. Expression's second season is ambitious, including 12 new productions for community television on hearing loss. Topics range from diagnosis in an infant to the importance of hearing aids in those of us now losing our hearing. In fact, nearly all of those involved with Expression Media are deaf or hard of hearing. A 501c3 organization since 2002, Expression's dedicated group of volunteers brings exceptional projects to Houston's community television, including topics about hearing loss not normally seen on mainstream television.

For more information on the group or its videos, contact them at (281) 872-8734 or visit them on the web at

Monica Parks President Expression Media expression through media See our programs on We the People TV Warner 16 or 17, TV-Max 17, or Kingwood 98