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August 21, 2003

Human Rights Violations Against the Deaf Community workshop

From: Gallaudet - Aug 21, 2003

Human Rights Violations in the Deaf Community?

Are you frustrated about not getting your rights? For anyone who has experienced job discrimination, been refused an interpreter, had trouble affording prescriptions or medical bills, paying rent, or other problems, this is the workshop for you.

All people – Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind, hearing, Black, white, Latino – have the right to

• Communication
• Living-wage Jobs
• Healthcare
• Education
• Housing

This Sunday, the Deaf and Deaf-Blind Committee on Human Rights (DDBCHR) fromOhio will present a workshop called “Human Rights Violations Against the Deaf Community?” We invite you to learn about your human rights and how the DDBCHR is fighting for these rights for everyone. Details are below!

Human Rights Violations Against the Deaf Community?

A workshop

DATE:Sunday, August 24, 2003

TIME:3:00-5:00 pm

PLACE: Ballroom A

Gallaudet University Kellogg Conference Center

800 Florida Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002

(see directions from Union Station and I-495 below/on back or go to

DDBCHR is a member of the National Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC). Deaf & hearing members of the PPEHRC will be staying on the National Mall in a tent city called “Bushville” for the last week of August. We will call attention to the gross human rights violations and poverty that exist in theUSA, the richest country in the world. After the workshop, everyone is invited to join DDBCHR for a free dinner and videos at the Tent City.

For questions about the workshop, email

For more information about the Tent City and related events, go to

Directions from Union Station (red line on the metro, buses):

In front of Union Station, you will see an “island” area with a sign for the Tourmobile. The Gallaudet Shuttle bus comes to that spot every 15-30 minutes. Take the Gallaudet Shuttle to the last stop on the Gallaudet campus, the GUKCC.

Directions from I-495 and other points: Go to

Rhea Kennedy

Development Associate for Mail and Publication Programs

GallaudetUniversity - Washington,DC


Phone: 202-448-7056 (voice/TTY)