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September 26, 2003

Las Cruces teacher wins national honor

From: KVIA, TX - Sept 26, 2003

(Las Cruces-AP) -- Camino Real Middle School in Las Cruces is working hard to educate all students, including those who are deaf and hard of hearing.

And one teacher has been recognized nationally for her work. Waithera Kinuthia has won the national Excellence in Education Award by the National Center on Low-Incidence Disabilities.

Camino Real Principal Angie Holguin-Dotson described Kinuthia as a top-notch teacher. Kinuthia is originally from Kenya. She has been working for the district for six years.

She is now teaching five kids who are deaf or hard of hearing. She also offers sign language classes for parents and families. Kinuthia will accept her award in Denver on October Fourth during the National Center on Low-Incidence Disabilities research conference.

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