October 21, 2003
BDA promotes learning to sign through email drive
From: Revolution Magazine, UK - Oct 21, 2003
21 October 2003 Emily Booth,
LONDON - The British Deaf Association is challenging the UK public to learn sign launguage using a video email campaign.
The web-based campaign, part of BDA's Learn to Sign Week, is targeted at professionals through Claritas Interactive's Email Selector. The daily signed video email teaches people a different sign each day in British Sign Language. It uses technology developed and provided free by Honey.
Pamela Morrissey, head of fundraising at BDA, said: "This campaign, with its combination of new technology and highly targeted recipients, is the perfect way to illustrate some of the issues to people likely to be interested in our cause, and encourages them to try signing for themselves. They can keep the email video on their system and learn at their leisure or visit the Learn to Sign site.
Gordon Hill, sales director at Claritas Interactive, added: "Through Email Selector it has been possible for us to identify an ideal target group of people, who we know have donated in the past with the appropriate demographic and lifestyle make-up that makes them likely to be interested in this event. The campaign's primary aim is to make people think about signing, become aware of the issues, and hopefully donate via the charity's website to support their vital work with deaf people."
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