October 6, 2003
Best Selling Author Mitch Albom to Visit Gallaudet University
From: Gallaudet - Oct 6, 2003
For Immediate Release
October 6, 2003
Contact: Mike Kaika, Director of Media Relations
Phone: 202-651-5050
Email: mike.kaika@gallaudet.edu
Best Selling Author Mitch Albom to Visit Gallaudet University
Washington, DC—Mitch Albom, author the best selling books, “Tuesdays With Morrie and the recently released “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” will give a presentation at Gallaudet University on Monday, October 13 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Elstad Auditorium. His topic will be “From Morrie to Heaven: Searching for a Meaningful Life.”
All new undergraduate students who enrolled this fall were required to read “Tuesdays With Morrie,” as part of the First Year Experience (FYE) program’s Summer Reading Project. Last year, students were required to read “The Color of Water,” by James McBride, and Mr. McBride also presented.
The FYE program, a part of the Center for Academic Programs and Student Services, offers the First Year Seminar course which elaborates on the Summer Reader Project. FYE works closely with other departments, such as Academic Advising, The Career Center, The Honors Program, and Student Affairs to promote academic success and a lasting connection to Gallaudet University.
Albom is a nationally-snydicated newspaper columnist for the Detroit Free Press, a television commentator, and a nationally-syndicated radio host for ABC and its flagship station WJR-AM in Detroit. For more than a decade, Albom has been given the highest honor in his field, as he has been named the Number One Sports Columnist in the Nation by the Sports Editors of America (APSE). He has also received seven first place APSE honors for feature writing. No other columnist has won the APSE award more than once.
Albom’s presentation is being sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the First Year Experience program. For more information about Albom’s appearance, contact Dr. Catherine Andersen, phone: 202-651-5808 or e-mail: Catherine.Andersen@gallaudet.edu
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