October 3, 2003
From: North Devon Journal, UK - Oct 3, 2003
More than 20 children and young people are strutting their stuff on a catwalk in Barnstaple tomorrow to raise money for a good cause. The young models, aged from four to 17, will be wearing outfits from Bhs, Peacocks and Select during the show.
It will take place in the North Devon Deaf Children's Society centre which was formerly Gorwell Community Centre.
The show starts at 7pm and proceeds from the £1.50 entry fee will benefit the deaf children's society. If young age has anything to do with modelling success than four-year-old Holly Comer is sure to be a rising star of the future.
She is youngest of the 23 children taking part who either attend the centre or Landkey Methodist Youth Club.
The fashion show was the idea of Sue Blackmore who is also organising the music to go with it.
Miriam Wakefield, who is a support worker for deaf children and their families, explained that one of her aims was to use the centre to enable deaf children to enjoy all the activities offered to hearing children.
She added: "There are activities run during the summer holidays for children but deaf children tend to be excluded because of their deafness.
"What we would like to do at the centre is to offer the same opportunities for deaf children as their hearing counterparts but include hearing children as well so their level of deaf awareness is raised."
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