October 12, 2003
Update: Pinchas vs. Jordan, Ammons, Lovett - New Defamation Lawsuit
From: DEAFSPORTLAWSUIT - Oct 12, 2003
attention: National Sports Associations and
Concerned Persons
The lawsuit matter involving Mr. Pinkhasov Pinchas against Mr. Jordan, Dr.
Ammons and Mr. Lovett continues.
Recently, the USA District Court for the District of Maryland in Baltimore,
Maryland, USA, accepted a new, four-page COMPLAINT ( "lawsuit" ) filing by Mr.
Pinkhasov Pinchas against these three CISS anarchists and autocrats.
This lawsuit matter is solely based on defamation of character.
In order to obtain a copy of the new defamation lawsuit, you may request by
Because Mr. Jordan, Dr. Ammons and Mr. Lovett refused ( and are still
refusing! ) to voluntarily submit to the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration
for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, Mr. Pinkhasov Pinchas has once again been
"forced" to file a lawsuit action against these three persons before the Civil
Court in the state of Maryland since this Court has "personal jurisdiction"
over its state's residents, Mr. Jordan and Dr. Ammons!
Below please read Mr. Pinkhasov Pinchas' September 15, 2003 letter to the
IOC President.
September 15, 2003
Dr. Jacques Rogge
President of the IOC
The IOC, Chateau d'Vidy
1007 Lausanne, Switzerland
Subjects: CISS Leaders and IOC's View on Those Persons
Who Refuse to Submit to Jurisdiction of TAS/CAS
Dear Dr. Rogge:
In light of your constant busy schedule I pray you or your legal aides at the
IOC office will find time and interest in reading and familiarizing with the
contents of this ongoing letter and its supporting documents.
Since my teenage years in the Soviet Union, I have been an ardent follower of
Olympism and Olympic Games. Because of my profound deafness handicap, I have
also for the last 35 years been interested in the activities of the
International Sports Committee of the Deaf ( "CISS" ) and Deaflympic Games.
I write to you now because I am very concerned at the way the present leaders
and administrators in the organization of the CISS - Mr. John Lovett, Dr.
Donalda Ammons and their advisor Mr. Jerald Jordan - conduct their daily
business on behalf of the CISS.
Briefly, the aim of this three-page letter is twofold:
1) to open up your eyes by seeing and judging by yourself as to what kind of
leaders and administrators the CISS currently has, and
2) to find out as to how you and the IOC legal experts perceive those
persons who do not recognize, respect and/or accept the jurisdiction of the
IOC-created and blessed Tribunal Arbitral du Sport/Court of Arbitration for Sport (
"TAS/CAS" ).
I am well aware that the IOC, like the CISS, is a self-regulated, independent
and neutral organization. However, our deaf sports world views and looks up
at the IOC as "our big brother and role model." The deaf sports community
gratefully acknowledges the fact that in the last several years the IOC has been
supporting the CISS financially and morally.
I am also aware of the fact that in the past, the three persons, especially
Jordan and Lovett, by artifically showcasing themselves as "competent and
successful international sports leaders," at various times visited you and your
predecessor, Senor Juan Antonio Samaranch, at the IOC office premises in
Through my e-mail communication to your associates Mr. Gilbert Felli, Miss
Sylvie Espagnac and Miss Monica Rieder, you might be aware that in the last two
years I have been engaged in the two different lawsuit actions against
Lovett, Ammons and Jordan at the USA District Court for the District of Maryland, in
Baltimore, Maryland, USA. I was "forced" to file these two lawsuits before
that civil court primarily because the state of Maryland-based court was the
"home state" of Jordan and Ammons, therefore, it had "personal jurisdiction"
over them. These two lawsuits are now either closed or dismissed because this
civil court in the USA, interalia, was not a proper place to fully deal with my
international sports-related dispute claims against Lovett, Ammons and Jordan.
One of the main reasons that led me to sue these three persons was that
Lovett, Ammons and Jordan mistreated and defamed me. Another reason was ( and still
is ) that to bring these three persons as the reputed abusers of the CISS
legal system, CISS anarchists and autocrats to JUSTICE!
What kind of work have Jordan, Ammons and Lovett done on behalf of the CISS
Let me vividly demonstrate the following seven randomly-chosen acts of
improperties committed by the three persons inside the organization of the CISS:
- a total of 343 rules in the CISS Constitution, Deaflympic Games Regulations
and Deaf World Championship Regulations were broken in 2000, 2001, 2002 and
2003 ( more new rule violations are coming );
- 11 out of 16 World Championships in ten sports were cancelled between 1995
and 2003;
Click here: http://www.deafsportlawsuit.com/update33.html
- since April 1, 2000, Lovett ( as President and Member of the Legal
Commission ), Ammons ( as Secretary General and Member of the Legal Commission ) and
Jordan ( as Member of the Legal Commission ) have been holding their
respective office positions in the CISS illegally;
- Lovett as a lead author produced the 196-page book called CISS REVIEW 2001
which had a total of 202 errors and inaccuracies in it;
- Ammons as an official Minute taker of the 37th CISS Congress session
produced its Minutes Report which had 53 errors and inaccuracies in it;
- Lovett and Ammons were in charge of supervising the 208-page 2001
Deaflympic Summer Games Final Results Book, which had 556 errors and inaccuracies in
- Ammons as an acting CISS President conducted the first day of the recent
38th CISS Congress session in violation of the CISS Constitution rules 10.2.3
Click here: http://www.deafsportlawsuit.com/update30.html
All these foregoing facts were never disputed or challenged by Lovett, Ammons
and Jordan when I disclosed them through my many lawsuit paper submissions to
the court and through my various stories published in my website called
In addition, I received a glossy copy of the official program book of the
recently-concluded 15th Deaflympic Winter Games in Sundsvall, Sweden. On that
book ( page 4 ) I read your message column in which you, among the other things,
wrote such a sentence that there would be "1,000 athletes and officials"
taking part at the Games in Sundsvall ( the fact, however, was that only 240
deaf athletes showed up at these Games ).
Click here: http://www.deafsportlawsuit.com/update27.html
Click here: http://www.deafsportlawsuit.com/update30.html
Where and how did you get such an excessively-inflated figure like "1,000"?
Could it be possible that Lovett and Ammons, in order to convince the IOC to
give funding/money to the CISS, gave you this misleading and highly-exaggerated
statistical information?
Moreover, on October 31, 2002, with Lovett's presence at a media function in
Melbourne, Australia, another irresponsible and misleading public relations
stunt scheme had been launched there to the world that "more than 4,500 athletes
from 90 countries are expected to compete" at the coming 20th Deaflympic
Summer Games in Melbourne in 2005.
For example, the last Games among the deaf athletes held in the region of
Oceania, i.e., in Christchurch, New Zealand, in January,1989, attracted just 959
athletes from 30 nations.
Now, back to the main point of this letter.
Because my two lawsuit actions in Baltimore never went to trial for certain
reasons, I have lately been unsuccessful in trying to have Lovett, Ammons and
Jordan to agree to submit to the full jurisdiction of TAS/CAS in order to
litigate my Statement of Claim.
Attached is a draft copy of my Statement of Claim and its supporting
documents for your review and perusal.
Click here: http://www.deafsportlawsuit.com/update36.html
Click here: http://www.deafsportlawsuit.com/update32.html
What do you or your legal experts think of these?
It is my position that Lovett, Ammons and Jordan are steadfastly,
intentionally and willfully refusing to recognize, accept and respect the existence of
TAS/CAS by evading to arbitrate my Statement of Claim!
In retrospect, in 1983, it was Senor Samaranch, who created TAS/CAS as the
judicially proper forum of international sports-related disputes. Are Jordan,
Ammons and Lovett as the CISS officials exempt or ineligible to be sued under
the system of TAS/CAS?
Now, how do you or the IOC legal experts view a person such as Jordan, who -
as the only deaf bearer of the IOC's highest award called an Olympic Order -
refuses to submit to the jurisdiction of TAS/CAS? Or, shall the IOC and many
different International Sports Federations continue to maintain their business
relationship with Lovett and Ammons when the two persons themselves reject to
submit to the jurisdiction of TAS/CAS?
Dr.Rogge, I would like to hear your or your legal aides' opinion on the above
In the meantime, I wish you and the IOC much success with the organization of
next year's XXVIIIth edition of Olympic Summer Games in Athens.
Olympically Yours,
Rafael Pinkhasov Pinchas