October 16, 2003
West Hollywood Annual Halloween Carnaval- October 31
From: Wradenews - Oct 16, 2003
Friday, October 31
West Hollywood's Annual Halloween Carnaval
Santa Monica Boulevard
between La Cienega and Doheny
City of West Hollywood
Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Their Friends will meet in front of MICKY'S
CLUB AND DIFFERENT LIGHT BOOKSTORE on Santa Monica Blvd near San Vicente Blvd
Time: 6pm - Midnight
The City of West Hollywood’s Halloween Carnaval is the largest adult outdoor
Halloween event in the world. Last year over 350,000 people came to their
favorite place to trick-or-treat. Eat, drink and be scary along Santa Monica
Boulevard (between Doheny and La Cienega). There are three stages of live music to
rock you; the much celebrated costume contest, for those who like to watch and
be watched; food and drink galore; and you won’t believe who is going to be
this year’s honorary Mayor. From 6 p.m. until the midnight hour, this huge
costume party is a guaranteed treat. Rated X for extreme fun!