November 24, 2003
Thieves Steal Money Raised By Local Deaf Students
From: KTXL - Nov 24, 2003
Shana Franklin
LOOMIS -- Some Placer County teens are learning a tough lesson.
What happened to them could make you angry.
It's back to the drawing board for 8 Del Oro High School students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
"I spent most of my morning crying," said teacher Kerilynne Rugg.
That's because someone broke into Rugg's classroom and stole 350 dollars the students spent weeks raising.
The students went around campus, even door to door in their own neighborhoods selling these candy bars for a very important event.
That event is a field trip to Cal State Northridge, one of the few California colleges offering a full range of services for the deaf.
"I was really bummed out and really devastated about it," said Del Oro senior Pete Nurenberg.
That's why he spearheaded a student letter to an area newspaper. He wanted people to know what's going on in their community and how hard the students are working to better themselves.
For Casey Obringer the trip is a chance to see firsthand if Northridge will meet his college needs.
"I really like the weather so I wanna learn about that. I wanna learn everything and I wanna make sure I can do it at the college I choose," he said.
The theft has taught the students a lesson in real world disappointment and also forced them to get creative.
They're looking at non-chocolate fundraising ideas, because cancelling the trip to Northridge is not an option.
"We're just gonna, still trying to raise money and see how we can get there. Maybe we'll fly. Maybe we'll drive a car," said Rugg.
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