February 23, 2004
CSD of Wisconsin Presents Foundations of Interpreting
From: CSD - Feb 23, 2004
Release Date: Feb. 23, 2004
Contact: Derric Miller
CSD Communications Office
CSD of Wisconsin Presents Foundations of Interpreting
MADISON, WIS. — CSD of Wisconsin proudly Presents Foundations of the Interpreting Process I & II, presented by Betty Colonomos. Foundations I will be on March 19–21 and Foundations II will be on April 16–18. Both will be held at Edgewood College in the Predolin Humanities Center Madison, WI.
This widely acclaimed training focuses on components of the Colonomos (integrated) Model of Interpreting in a low stress, highly interactive environment. Colonomos is well known as an educator of interpreters and language consultant as well as being highly educated in many arenas including Deaf Education/Speech Pathology, counseling and Linguistics.
Foundations I will be focusing exclusively on sign-to-voice processing work, while Foundations II will focus on the voice-to-sign process. There are only 30 slots for each workshop, so participants are encouraged to register immediately. For registration and more details, please e-mail at csdwis@c-s-d.org or call CSD of Wisconsin at (608) 240-4964.
Due to multiple events happening the weekend of March 19-21, we highly recommend making hotel reservations as soon as possible.
About CSD – CSD (also known as Communication Service for the Deaf, Inc.) was established in 1975, primarily to provide sign language interpreting services to deaf and hard of hearing adults in South Dakota. Today, CSD employs over 2,000 individuals in offices across the nation, providing a broad continuum of social and human services programs, as well as telecommunications relay services. CSD is a private, nonprofit agency dedicated to providing quality services; ensuring public accessibility; and increasing awareness of issues affecting deaf, hard of hearing and individuals with speech disabilities. For more information, please visit www.c-s-d.org.
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