February 13, 2004
Deaf Technology Speakers Announced
From: Gallaudet - Feb 13, 2004
Washington D.C. -- The Fourth Conference on Videoconference and Emerging Technology in Deaf Education has announced an impressive list of speakers for their April 18 - 20, 2004 conference to be held on the campus of Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. Among the speakers are high level technology and educational leaders. Some of the headliners include: Larry Goldberg, Director for the National Center for Accessible Media, Mark Wegleitner; Senior Vice President for Technology at Verizon and Michael Baker; Senior Vice President for Polycom Inc.
The goal of the conference is to explore the applications of video technology in deaf educational and business environments. The conference is designed for anyone interested in staying current with video technology and its applications in the deaf community. There will be presentations on videoconference technology, video relay applications, new video technologies, as well as information on program and curriculum development
The registration fee is $195 per person. Registration includes access to all sessions, conference materials and lunch on Monday and Tuesday. You can get more information on this conference at http://academictech.gallaudetedu/videoconf2004