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February 20, 2004

The deaf are not dumb- GNAD

From: GhanaWeb - Accra,Ghana - Feb 20, 2004

Accra, Feb. 20, GNA- The Ghana Association of the Deaf (GNAD) has stated that it is offensive and regrettable that the public, particularly those in the media label those with hearing and speech problems as "deaf and dumb".

A Statement issued in Accra on Thursday by the association and signed by its National President, Samuel Asare, said since most dictionaries described "dumb" as "stupid" they regarded the expression as "Offensive".

The statement said there were several alternative ways of describing those with these impairments, for instance ; Hard of hearing, hearing impaired or speech impaired rather then labeling them with the demeaning phrase- "deaf and dumb".

It said although the members of the deaf community have at several times tried to educate the public on the need to avoid the labeling them as "dumb", it was unfortunate that instead of the media supporting their educational campaign and awareness creation, they were rather worsening the situation for them.

The statement said the "deaf community" would be very grateful if the public avoided labeling any class of hearing and speech impaired individuals as "dumb".

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