March 8, 2004
4/24 Performance "An Evening with Crom: Man of a Thousand Farces"
From: D.E.A.F. Media Inc. - Mar 8, 2004
In Association With The Yerba Buena Center For The Arts
D.E.A.F. Media, Inc. Presents... the 6th Annual Showcase of Deaf Solo Performance
This one man show is performed in American Sign Language with voice interpretation.
WHEN: Saturday, April 24, 2004 8 p.m.
WHERE: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts - Forum
701 Mission Street
San Francisco (E-A-S-Y BART access)
TICKETS: $14. General/ $10.00 Seniors, Students, Center Members
TICKETS may be purchased in advance.
YBCA ticket office hours for walk-up sales: Tues. - Sun. 11 - 6.
Phone sales daily 11 - 6 (415)978-2787 voice or via CRS; by Fax 24 hours a day: 415.978.5210,.$3.00 service charge per phone/fax orders (regardless of number of tickets).
On line: http://www.yerbabuenaarts.org/b_ybca.html $1.50 service chg. per ticket
Yerba Buena Center (415) 978-2787 voice or www.YerbaBuenaArts.org or
D.E.A.F. Media, Inc. (510) 841-0165 TTY, (510) 841-0163 voice or drsr@deafmedia.org
The center is just 4 blocks from Union Square. It is a short walk from the BART/Muni POWELL and MONTGOMERY stations. The Center is close to Moscone Convention Center. It is on Third St. between Mission and Howard. (in the same block as the Sony Metreon).
There are several garages and lots in the area for parking. The largest one is the Downtown 5th and Mission Garage which is close by. (between 4th and 5th along Mission St)
Sacramento native and California State University-Northridge grad, Crom Saunders is a playwright, a comedian, a performer, and an interpreter. He holds a master's degree in Creative Writing and is working on a second M.A., in Theater Tech.
Four years ago he also co-founded, with Justin Callaway, a community events group called ICEWORM, which aims to provide accessible entertainment for all users of American Sign Language. Some of the events began to involve performance art, and from that was born the ICEWORM theater group, which focuses on physical comedy and improv and now includes CODA Keith Wann.
As ICEWORM, the three performers have a growing presence and reputation in the Central Valley. And they've toured together outside California, doing ICEWORM shows in Seattle, Florida, and Washington, D.C., among others. Each also does solo work. Last fall, Crom appeared in the role of Tuc during a several-month run of Mother Hicks at the California Stage Theater. And he just finished appearing as Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk at Sacramento City College's City Theatre. He is our featured solo performer for this 6th annual production at YBCA.
Susan D. Rutherford, Ph.D.
Executive Director
D.E.A.F. Media, Inc., 2600 Tenth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710
What is D.E.A.F. Media? D.E.A.F. Media, Inc. was established in 1974 as a Deaf arts and education non-profit corporation dedicated to the advocacy and development of cultural, educational and professional opportunities for the Deaf community. And, through the arts, D.E.A.F. Media promotes the awareness and acceptance of Deaf people by the general public. These goals are accomplished with a commitment to excellence through Deaf centered cultural events, school projects, television, and community partnerships with Bay Area cultural institutions. D.E.A.F. Media also provides information and referral, consultancy and technical assistance in the field of deafness,particularly with regard to the arts and communication.