April 6, 2004
Hands On Italia Spring 2004 News
From: Hands on Italia - Apr 6, 2004
Spring 2004 News
Entering our 3rd year of providing specialty travel services for deaf travelers to Italy
1) Our new-look website is now up, including a short movie on HOI! Check it out at www.handsonitalia.com
2) For those who have wanted to visit Tuscany & Umbria, here's your chance! A group tour is planned for 24 May-6 June, 2005. Information here: www.handsonitalia.com/0404news.htm
3) Would like a copy of our brochure? Contact us and one will be sent to you in the mail within no time! hoi@handsonitalia.com
4) We also arrange any kind of private tour upon request. Wine-tasting tours, cooking classes, countryside walking tours, a hop of the grand Italian cities... it's your call! Our desire is to make your Italian vacation as memorable as possible.
EVERY SINGLE PART of our service is done in American Sign Language--that means no communication hassles have to put a damper on your journey!
Terry Giansanti