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May 1, 2004

Cochlear implant performed on deaf lady

From:, Pakistan - May 1, 2004

KARACHI, May 01 (Online): Pakistani Surgeons have gathered distinction of performing a highly delicate and complicated surgery, the cochlear implant on young lady who had been rendered totally deaf due to meningitis, at Fasih's ENT hospital.

Dr. Fasih an ENT surgeon performed an operation on a young lady, Saira at his hospital. The operation entailed the latest in medical technology.

Saira had gone totally deaf on account of meningitis infection and needed an implant. She lost her hearing at the age of nine and could not get any treatment, as implantation is extremely expensive said Dr. Fasih.

Dr. Fasih said the device by itself is very expensive and he asked the patient to muster the funds. Her mother he said did not loose hope and struggled hard to put together the amount by mustering donations. She herself collected $1000, which was not enough to match the fee.

However, the Chairman Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) and the Chief Executive of Kenlube Limited Karachi raised donations to $ 6000 for the cochlear implant.


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