May 25, 2004
College performing arts center project continuing
From: Big Spring Herald - Big Spring,TX,USA - May 25, 2004
By LYNDEL MOODY Staff Writer
Howard College trustees decided Monday to obtain an in-depth cost analysis of plans for a multi-million-dollar performing arts center and raised tuition fees for out-of-state SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf students.
"The project construction managers will send out the plans to get the price nailed down before we put the project out for bid," said Howard College President Dr. Cheryl Sparks. "This will allow us to build in alternatives as part of the bidding process."
The 5-year-old project to build a two-story structure to house the theater and arts programs may be nearing actual construction.
According to project architect Phil Furqueron, Temple Construction of San Angelo, construction managers, are reviewing the plans and do not feel the need to make any more changes.
The process of moving into the new Howard Cottage facility this week is also helping to advance the performing arts center project.
"We're finishing up the new day care facility," Fuqueron told trustees. "The building condition is usable. We're waiting to put in a transformer. Once that gets here, the building will be down for a few hours to put in the transformer, but we're in good shape."
Once the program takes over the new facility, Howard College can start to consider tearing down Howard Cottage's former facility, an old U.S. Air Force barracks, which will pave the way toward construction on the performing arts center.
In other business, trustees approved a $42 per credit-hour tuition increase on out-of-state SWCID students from $178 per year to $220. This is the second installation to gradually bring the SWCID out-of-state tuition costs for non-residents up to the required state rate of $306.
A new face graced the Board of Trustees. Murray Murphy, who won the Precinct 2 seat in the May 15 election, and re-elected incumbent Michael Flores both took the oath of office after trustees canvassed the ballots.
After holding a quick board officers election, Dr. Charles Warren remains as the chairman of the board. Harold Davis was elected again to service as vice chairman and Marie Ethridge will also serve a second term as secretary.
In other business, trustees approve:.
• A resolution of appreciation to Adrian Randle for his years of service to the district. Randle served as a trustee from 1992-2004.
• A contract with KWES for use of land to broadcast shows.
• Handbook changes which allow retirees to donate some of their sick leave to the accumulated sick leave pool upon retirement.
• Bids for biology equipment, notebook computers and soft drink vending services.
Contact Staff Writer Lyndel Moody at 263-7331, ext. 234, or by e-mail at reporter@bigspringherald.com
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