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May 3, 2004

Deaf Expo 2004 to Hold East Coast Show in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania

From: PR Newswire (press release) - May 3, 2004

Mega Event to Highlight Technology and also Opportunities for Sign Language Students

SIOUX FALLS, S.D., May 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Deaf Expo(TM), the nation's largest tradeshow targeted at deaf and hard of hearing people, announced that it will host Deaf Expo 2004 East at Fort Washington Expo Center in Fort Washington, Penn., May 7 - 8. This two-day event is targeted primarily towards those with a hearing loss and anyone with an interest in sign language, hearing loss and deaf culture.

The event will feature over 70 exhibits from the public and private sectors: national companies including show sponsors Sprint and GoAmerica as exclusive wireless service will showcase their services and unveil products that provide communication solutions for the deaf and hard of hearing community at large. In addition to consumers, there will be a variety of vendors, manufacturers, service providers, professionals -- and a prominent non-profit presence such as Gallaudet University, Pennsylvania Society for Advancement for the Deaf, Dogs for the Deaf and Virginia Association of the Deaf.

Two acclaimed deaf performing groups -- Rathskellar and the Russian touring group, TOYS Theater will also be in attendance with scheduled appearances. DEAF$aire game shows and "Deaf Eye for a Hearing Person," a parody routine patterned after "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," will also be performed on the Deaf World Stage.

David Rosenbaum, expo manager states, "This event highlights advancements in technology, products and services that improve the quality of life for deaf and hard of hearing people. This two-day event is based on the successful Deaf Expo(TM) show on the west coast now in its 12th year. It is our second year in Pennsylvania."

At least 3,000 people are expected to attend Deaf Expo 2004 East and the show is open to the general public on Friday from 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm. Group discounts are available for deaf, hard of hearing students as well as hearing deaf culture or sign language students. Additional information on the Deaf Expo event is available at

About Deaf Expo(TM)
Deaf Expo has been held annually for the past 12 consecutive years on the west coast in southern California and has become the largest annual event of its kind in the world -- drawing crowds of approximately 8,000 visitors. In 2003, the event was held on the east coast for the first time and this marks the second year for the east coast show. In addition to exhibits and the Deaf Village; DEAF EXPO 2004 East features seminars, a technology forum, the Deaf World Stage, Teenage Block, a Sign Language Playhouse, a Deaf Art Show, and a Food Pavilion. All program activities are also voice-interpreted.

DEAF EXPO 2004 East
Fort Washington, Penn
Friday, May 7 - Saturday, May 8

DEAF EXPO 2004 West
Anaheim, Calif.
Friday, Nov. 5 - Saturday, Nov. 6

The Deaf Expo is a registered trademark and program of CSD, a national, non-profit human service and telecommunications provider. For more information, see

SOURCE Deaf Expo
Web Site:

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