May 10, 2004
RNID publishes ICT teaching guidelines
From: Edinfo-Centre, UK - May 10, 2004
RNID, the largest charity representing the nine million deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK, has developed the first publication on using ICT with deaf pupils.
Recent research suggests that the effective use of ICT can reduce staff workload, improve pupil attainment and improve motivation.
Yet until now, there has been no information available for specialist deaf teachers or mainstream teachers who have deaf students in their class on how best to make use of it.
The latest publication in the RNID Education Guidelines, includes practical suggestions on how deaf pupils at all levels can be assisted by new technologies.
Stevie Mayhook, RNID education officer, stated: "ICT is useful in motivating and encouraging deaf learners; it stimulates and provides opportunities for reinforcement and extension of lessons.
"Staff are able to tailor approaches to meet the individual learning needs of each child as well as to share strategies and records with other professionals. The visual medium allows deaf children to follow the class more easily, and makes the classroom truly inclusive."
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