May 26, 2004
Tattooed attacker back in jail
From: Suffolk Evening Star, UK - May 26, 2004
AN alcoholic drug-addict with a tattooed face, who was jailed for breaking a deaf man's jaw, pleaded with an Ipswich judge to spare him from prison.
Nigel Clack told judge Peter Thompson at Ipswich Crown Court: "I am terrified – the last time I went to jail, finished me off".
Despite his pleas, Clack was jailed for 12 months for a vicious attack on Joe Duncan, who is profoundly deaf.
Jude Durr prosecuting said Clack, 43, of Wayland Road, Witnesham, had heard Mr Duncan's raised voice outside a flat below. He was then seen following Mr Duncan out of the block of flats and attacked him.
Mr Durr said Clack, who pleased guilty to causing actual bodily harm, held on to Mr Duncan's shirt while he punched him twice in the face. As Mr Duncan laid on the grass with his hearing aid and glasses knocked away from his head, Clack kicked his body. Mr Duncan suffered a broken jaw, for which he has undergone two operations to have metal plates fitted and he still suffers with pain.
Simon Spence, mitigating, said Clack, who had been weaned off drink and drugs with the help of medication, had been in his flat with his ailing mother and elderly mother-in-law when he heard prolonged loud swearing from Mr Duncan who was arguing with Clack's downstairs neighbour.
Mr Spence said Clack: "Ushered two elderly ladies out of the flats" before returning to deal with Mr Duncan.
He said: "He (Clack) was physically sick when he realised the man he had hit was disabled when he saw his hearing aid fall out."
Clack, who has committed a string of offences in the past due to his addictions, once told The Star he had his face tattooed with patterns and the words "shame on me" so that when ever he offended he could be easily identified easily to the police.
As Judge Thompson passed the sentence, Clack slumped in the dock with his head in his hands. He was later escorted to the cells muttering about the unfairness of the sentence and thumping the stair walls as he was led away.
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