June 14, 2004
Reds have first deaf team
From: ic Liverpool - Southport,England,UK - Jun 14, 2004
Jun 14 2004
By John Tunney, Liverpool Echo
LIVERPOOL'S badge is being worn proudly by the nation's first football team for deaf children - now they need someone to play.
Broadgreen high school's pioneering deaf unit is now an official part of the Anfield academy structure after a 15-week coaching course blossomed into a long- term relationship.
But the problem with lead-ing the field means there is nol-one to share it.
Matches against disabled teams are arranged, but there is no deaf opposition to face - yet. Deaf unit headteacher Lisa Deighton said: "We're approaching a couple of the deaf schools in Manchester to try and arrange something, but as far as we know there's nothing like us in the country."
The mixed-sex squad has weekly coaching at Liverpool's academy in Kirkby.
But the highlight of the youngsters' football career came with a tour round the Anfield pitch in front of 40,000 fans at Liverpool's game against against Portsmouth.
The club's disability liaison officer Jodi Unsworth said the new link-up was a two-way love affair.
She said: "It's a big responsibility for the children because they are representing Liverpool Football Club.
"But they are fantastic kids and the coaches love working with them and they are learning from it as well."
The team was the brainchild of learning mentor Simon Vaentine, who enjoyed the Anfield visit just as much as the children.
He said: "I don't know about running round - I think I floated. Some of the kids said it was the best day of their lives."
Deputy headteacher Tony Forde said: "They come to this school with the idea that there are a lot of doors closed to them.
"This opens a very big door - especially with the fact that it's Liverpool involved."
Shaun O'Brien, 11, said: "It felt just like I was playing for Liverpool."
Kevin Bell, 13, said: "I never thought I could be playing football with Liverpool."
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