August 24, 2004
Access to sound
From: Manning River Times, Australia - Aug 24, 2004
AN audio loop installed in Ormsby House will give the hearing impaired access to technology which will reopen the world of hearing to them.
The loop, funded by Quota International of Taree and Greater Taree City Council, was officially turned on at a function prior to a performance by the Australian Theatre of the Deaf.
Tine Varvel, Quota's district speech and hearing director, explained the audio loop works in conjunction with hearing aids and works to reduce background noise and increase clarity.
Hearing impairment is a major benefactor of Quota's fundraising efforts and president Nancy Boyling and Greater Taree City Mayor Eddie Loftus officially unveiling the system.
Various users of Ormsby House including Kevin Cane, the president of the senior citizens group, thanked both Quota and council for their investment in making the venue more accessible to the hearing impaired.
Following the launch, which was also attended by Member for Lyne Mark Vaile, the Australian Theatre of the Deaf performed 'Aliens'. The theatre group had visited Chatham High for a performance and workshop prior to the Ormsby House performance.
After the performance of the play 'Aliens', the three actors invited questions from the audience, and Kayla Volker, a year nine student at Chatham High, interpreted for the actors using signing.
Kayla's mother is deaf and her father is hearing impaired. For Kayla and her younger brother, 'signing' is a second language they use to communicate with their parents.
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