August 18, 2004
Achievers inspire
From: Bendigo Advertiser, Australia - Aug 18, 2004
AN INSPIRATIONAL seminar proving hearing difficulties are no barrier to achieving success was delivered to deaf students in Bendigo yesterday. Deaf swimming sensation Cindy-Lu Fitzpatrick - a former Commonwealth Games representative, was among role models who met with students and encouraged them to follow their dreams.
Held at Bendigo Senior Secondary College, Deaf Role Model Day was about letting young deaf people know what great things can be achieved.
Deaf university graduates, business people and a sporting star were among guest speakers at the event.
About 30 people, including teachers, ex-students and the school's seven deaf students attended the seminar.
BSSC's deaf facility co-ordinator Michael Egan said the main message delivered was "Deaf people can do it." "The aim is to give students access to deaf people who have life experience so they have an idea of what they can achieve," he said.
"People tend to look at deaf people and think they are less able - that is totally wrong.
"The message today has been very positive and a range of issues from employment to having a family have been discussed."
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