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August 10, 2004

Charity calls for airline industry to improve treatment of deaf passengers

From: NDCS - Aug 10, 2004


Matt Stickels
IncrediBull Ideas
020 7940 3800

Date of release: Tuesday 10 August 2004

Charity calls for airline industry to improve treatment of deaf passengers

The National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) is calling for airlines to take action to clear up the current confusion and uncertainty that exists amongst different airline organisations regarding their treatment of deaf passengers.

Susan Daniels, Chief Executive of NDCS and Disability Rights Commissioner said:
"There is already a government Voluntary Code of Practice which offers good advice to airlines on how to treat deaf passengers – unfortunately while some airlines have worked hard to agree policies and provide a good service to meet the needs of all their passengers, others have not.

"Two weeks ago a group of young deaf adults was thrown off a plane at Heathrow Airport by Iberia Airlines with little explanation. The National Deaf Children's Society has since approached 14 other airlines to find out what their policies are on deaf passengers and we were shocked to discover that seven could not provide us with any set guidelines."

The NDCS is recommending five simple procedures to improve service and clarify the situation to ensure deaf passengers are treated with the same respect and consideration as hearing passengers. (Some of which have already been put in place by major airlines.)

- provision of personal hearing neckloops for passengers who need them, which can be plugged into the standard headphone socket in seats

- provide subtitled safety videos, alternatively ensure staff offer written safety and flight information

- provide subtitled entertainment systems

- given advance notice, make staff with a basic level of sign language available

- ensure all staff have undertaken deaf awareness training

The NDCS research follows the humiliation of 23 young deaf adults who were left stranded at Heathrow on Thursday 22 July, when Iberia Airlines refused to let them fly and could not provide a clear reason why. It was only after allowing all passengers to board the plane that Iberia staff demanded the group disembark, claiming this number of deaf people would not be allowed to travel together. Last year a similar incident occurred on an EasyJet flight at Liverpool's John Lennon Airport.

Susan Daniels added:
"The treatment of these youngsters was appalling and should never have happened. The fact that they were allowed to board the plane as normal and then escorted off it shows how confused airlines are about their own policies. Deaf passengers should not be discriminated because they are deaf and should be allowed to fly like anyone else. "


Matt Stickels
IncrediBull Ideas
020 7940 3800

Available for interview
Susan Daniels, Chief Executive of NDCS and Disability Rights Commissioner.

Aysin Halil, deaf passenger who was part of the party stranded at Heathrow on Thursday 22 July.

Notes to editor
· For more information or an interview with NDCS Chief Executive Susan Daniels please contact the press office Tel: 020 7940 3800 email:

· Results of the NDCS's survey are attached. It was carried out by telephone among customer service teams.

· The Access to Air Travel for Disabled People – Code of Practice was published by the Department for Transport in March 2003. It is available on the DPTAC (Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee) website at

· The National Deaf Children's Society is the leading UK charity providing on-going support, information, advice and advocacy on all aspects of childhood deafness for deaf children, deaf young people, their families, carers and professionals working with them.

· Parents can contact the charity's freephone helpline on 0808 800 8880 (voice and text) or access the website at