August 16, 2004
CT's Own National Theatre of the Deaf Announces 2004-2005 Season
From: NTD - Aug 16, 2004
Founded in Connecticut in 1967, the National Theatre of the Deaf (NTD) is the oldest continually producing and touring theatre company in the United States. It was the first theatre company to perform in all 50 states, has toured to all seven continents and in 32 countries. NTD's professional acting company is made up of both Deaf and Hearing Artists working together as an ensemble. The audience sees and hears every word through the NTD's signature performance style, which combines American Sign Language (ASL) and the spoken word. The unique double-sensory experience has expanded the boundaries of theatrical expression and is considered to be the only new art form to be developed in the 20th century.
The Little Theatre of the Deaf
2004-05 Touring Season
Now Booking
Fingers Around the World
Poetry In Motion and other stories!
The Little Theatre of the Deaf, the children's theatre wing of the National Theatre of the Deaf, is announcing their 2004-05 touring season. Two programs are being offered; Fingers Around the World and Poetry in Motion. Either program, or both programs can be booked in a single day!
Distinguished by a unique theatrical style, our LTD performance unfolds in two languages. By combining American Sign Language with spoken English, the Company has created a new dramatic art form, which speaks with voices of beauty and power: one for the eye and one for the ear, you Hear and See every word.
Step right up and witness our brand new, never seen before production of Fingers Around the World! From year to year, this series will take you across the five continents of the globe. This season, the first finger points to our opening destination, the mysterious Orient, featuring the Far East's Adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. The Little Theatre of the Deaf will take you on a journey into the Wonderland of the East as well as adding tidbits of culture and history for the young and young at heart. The audience will not only meet some old friends from Lewis Carroll's beloved classic, but also be entertained by short folktales from different countries in the region. This entire 50-60 minute show is something you don't want to miss!
Put yourself in the hands of The Little Theatre of the Deaf and take a whole new look a poetry in their show, Poetry in Motion The Little Theatre of the Deaf will make pictures in your mind as poetry is sculpted out of the air. See, Hear, and Imagine, as poetry is unfolded before your eyes. The Little Theatre of the Deaf, combining the spoken word with the visually dramatic American Sign Language adds a depth to poetry that will long be remembered.
The Little Theatre of the Deaf (LTD) is excited to announce that our in-school performances can include one of your student's poems performed as part of the performance. Sponsoring schools have the option of selecting one poem, approximately 8 lines in length, from their student body and submitting it to us for inclusion in our performance at your school. As well as your student's poem, LTD will also perform a wide variety of poems.
The Tony-Award winning company will begin each 50-60 minute program with a sign language warm-up. For those who know sign language, it entertains; for those who don't know sign language, it educates as well as entertains by providing an opportunity to learn some signs and have a greater understanding and appreciation of the program that follows.
Both programs conclude with the ever popular and energetic, Your Game. Your Game has been requested and anticipated for every season we've performed (over 35 years). The Little Theatre of the Deaf is acclaimed for this interactive improvisatory piece. The audience is asked for a suggestion of a machine, or an animal, or anything at all. Then, the fun begins.
The Little Theatre of the Deaf program is not just a performance, but also an experience. Included in our educational/outreach partnership with the schools is our Study Together Guide. Our Study Together Guide provides teachers with material about the performance, exercises and activities to do in the classroom pre and post performance, and even includes a sign language lesson.
See for yourself what over 80,000 school children in 18 states last season are talking about. See the longest touring professional theatre company in the United States perform for you.
Don't miss the opportunity to book this show for your upcoming season. Dates are going fast, so book today. For additional information please contact:
Betty Beekman, Tour Director at tour@ntd.org
or call the theatre at 860-236-4193
Pamela C. Holden
Director of Media
National Theatre of the Deaf
(860) 236-4193