August 12, 2004
Free employment advice for UKs deaf and hard of hearing people
From: Online Recruitment, UK - Aug 12, 2004
The 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people living in the UK have only until 10 September to get free, confidential and personal advice on careers and training under the Activeguidance scheme run by RNID, the largest charity representing deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK.
Activeguidance is an e-mail helpline for deaf and hard of hearing people wanting advice on any concerns they have in their current role, finding a new job or enhancing their education.
Alan McClure, Employment Manager at RNID says: "The scheme is part of our strategy to reduce unemployment faced by those with a hearing loss. Research has found that the unemployment rate amongst deaf people (19%) is four times that of the national average (5%) for all non-disabled people1. Deaf and hard of hearing people have excellent skills and employers need to look beyond the disability to realise that this talent can be tapped with very little or no additional cost or adjustment on the part of the organisation."
Information on Activeguidance can be downloaded from the employment section of www.rnid.org.uk
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