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August 4, 2004

GSA renews Sprint relay contract

From: - Aug 4, 2004

BY Michael Hardy
Published on Aug 4, 2004

Sprint will continue to provide relay services for deaf or hearing-impaired federal employees. The General Services Administration has awarded the Federal Relay Services contract to the company for the third consecutive time, company officials said.

Sprint has provided Federal Relay Services since 1993 and will continue to for another two years, with three additional one-year options, through this new contract, officials said. They did not disclose the value.

The services that Sprint will provide include traditional relay service, in which hearing-impaired users type words via a text telephone or Internet connection. An operator relays the words to the other party, and types that person's spoken response back to the hearing-impaired caller.

Sprint also will offer a variety of other services, including video and conferencing systems, a captioned telephone and other options for callers.

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