August 4, 2004
Offer of free training
From: ic Huddersfield.co.uk, UK - Aug 4, 2004
By The Huddersfield Daily Examiner
FREE disability awareness training is on offer for small businesses in West Yorkshire.
And the RNID, the largest charity for the deaf, is urging people to accept the offer.
Businesses accessible to disabled people by the end of September could be eligible for an award from the Department for Work and Pensions.
They will also be within the deadline for the Disability Discrimination Act.
Training by the RNID gives businesses and their staff an understanding of disability issues.
This makes sure they do not, by mistake, pre- judice customers, possibly putting employers at risk of breaking the law.
It will also open up businesses in West Yorkshire to the 330,000 deaf and hard of hearing people in the area.
Irini Korompilia, the RNID's projects manager, said: "Discrimination often comes about from misconceptions.
"To prevent it, it is essential to shatter these stereotypes and truly make an organisation open to all customers."
For free training from the RNID ring 0207 296 8060.
Copyright Trinity Mirror Plc 2004