September 20, 2004
3G Breakthrough For Deaf Customers
From: 3G (press release), UK - Sep 20, 2004
Europe : 3 Sweden has a record number of deaf customers - Now also launch sign language webpages. 3G is a revolution and a breakthrough for deaf. Finally deaf have the same possibility as hearing to "speak" live in the mobile.
Together with Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund (SDR) Swedish Deaf Organisation, 3 will evaluate and head the development of future new 3G services for signing people in Sweden. The parties have written a LoI, whose purpose is to together work for deaf and hearing impaired in Sweden will be offered to use mobile 3G services developed for their needs.
The possibility to ring someone by video, a friend or home to your mother, wherever you are, and use sign language is naturally something that quickly has become appreciated by deaf. 3s pricing, where the customer pays a set fee, received a mobile without cost, plus voice- and videocalls in 3s net for 0 SEK, has contributed to the usage spreading extremely fast among the country's deaf community.
As a first step in the cooperation, 3 has today launched web pages with signlanguage pages on A result of a record share of Swedens deaf that in such a short time have become customers of 3.
-It feels fantastic to be able to open up the mobileworld to a group that previously have been shut out, and naturally we would like to find more ways to offer services suitable for deaf and hearing imparied, says Helena Westin, Nordic Marketing Director 3. The cooperation with SDR is a perfect way for us to find out how our servies suit deaf, while deaf get a better feeling for the possibilities with 3G.
Today already thousands of deaf use mobiles from 3 to be able to communicate in their first language - the sign language. The video mobiles have revolutionized communication among deaf and hearing impaired, their relatives and extended network.
-This is a great leap towards giving signing deaf the same possibilties to communicate as hearing people, says SDRs Chairman Lars-Åke Wikström. We are very positive to the cooperation with 3 and see mobile communication in sign language as a giant step forward. Through this cooperation with 3, we would like to contribute to the possibility of our members and their relatives now and in the future will be able communicate in their own language, the sign language.
© 2004 3G, UK