October 29, 2004
Budget: Battaglia (DS) Promises Amendments For Deaf
From: Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - Italy - Oct 29, 2004
(AGI) - Naples, Italy, October 29 - Amendments to the budget to avoid further cuts to the social sphere and in particular, in favour of the deaf and dumb, were promoted by MP Augusto Battaglia (DS) in the course of the 22nd Congress of the national body of deaf-dumb (ENS), which takes place in Paestum (Sa). In particular, Battaglia, a note says, committed to propose amendments on the increase of the communication indemnity for the 2005 budget to adequate the norms and economic adjustments to the qualification of "severe" recognised by the WHO for the deaf. In the course of the works the parliamentarian proposed also that colleague Luca Volonte' of UDC "a collaboration transversal between majority and opposition which allows incisiveness and concreteness to reach common objectives", "reaching equal opportunities, to offer real work opportunities and financiering, besides major communication spaces, for all exponents of the silent community", whom in Italy are about one million. (AGI) - 291933 OTT 04
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