November 24, 2004
Beethoven's Nightmare's Cross-Over 'Deaf Rock' Takes Aim at America's Hearing World
From: Center on Disability Studies - Nov 24, 2004
Beethoven's Nightmare's Cross-Over 'Deaf Rock' Takes Aim at America's Hearing World
After 30 years of performing before deaf audiences across the United States of America, the all-deaf rock and roll band, Beethoven's Nightmare made music history in Nov. 15 with the recording of its first album, "Turn It Up Louder" at Ocean Way Studios in Hollywood. The 10-song CD and music video will be released in early 2005.
"I want to be an American in a Rock and Roll Band" and "Turn It Up Louder" are the lead songs on the 10-song CD. The album will be released with a music video in early 2005.
"We love music. And we want to show America and the world that being deaf doesn't exclude you from loving and performing music," deaf-guitarist Steve Longo said on behalf of the all-deaf trio. "We want to dispel the mystery and myths about deafness and deliver our work of art that we'd like to believe Ludwig Van Beethoven would have found intriguing."
Thirty years ago, Longo, (guitarist) Hiltermann (drummer) and Chevy (bass player) launched their inventive journey when the three met while attending college at Galluadet University in Washington, D.C. Their passion for rock and roll music kept them playing and finding ways to excel and defy deaf barriers.
Ron Tish of Koke Kula Records, Inc., in Honolulu, arranged the first-of-its kind crossover work. Ocean Way Studios owner Allen Sides engineered and mixed the work with Jeff Burns. The all-deaf band's debut CD features a star-studded lineup of hearing musicians: legendary studio musicians guitarist Mitch Holder, percussionist Emil Richard and pianist Pat Demain and vocalists brother-sister duo Troy and Cheesa Laureta. VSA arts of Hawaii-Pacific and Koke Kula Records, Inc., co-produced the project under Koke Kula Record label.
Susan Miller
University of Hawaii
College of Education Center on Disability Studies
VSA arts of Hawaii-Pacific
1833 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 905
Honolulu, HI 96815
Office at the Hawaii Artsplace
2201 Waimano Home Road
Hale C
Pearl City, HI 96782
808-295-0659 (c)